Dark horse tattoos are often seen for a multitude of personal reasons on both men and women. Most often we see dark horse tattoos today representing an accomplishment that was not expected; meaning that a dark horse is a long shot or a surprise win by the underdog. This doesn’t mean dark horse tattoos are only about sports. Someone may choose dark horse tattoos for a job promotion, completion of their education or last but not least spiritual meaning.
Ideas for Dark Horse Tattoos
Dark horse tattoos for a job accomplishment can be a fun tattoo to design. Many people receive an unexpected promotion after long years of hard work. They may have been the last one anyone expected to be promoted. But you knew the hard work that you devoted loyally every day; just like the dark horse, would pay off. You may find that a simple design will work the best here. Try using a head and chest profile of the horse, this will allow good detail work and look more lifelike. Tribal dark horse tattoos look very good also. With these dark horse tattoos, using a bold and lineal design will stand out in a crowd. If you are really pleased with the payoff, you might want to add a symbol of your profession. Some color might be appropriate here. You may choose not to use a horse at all and just use the symbol of your profession because only a person truly knows if they feel they were the dark horse.

Dark horse tattoos are also seen as representation of finishing a long but tenacious journey to a degree or diploma. The feeling that no one thought you could do it because may be you started off on the wrong foot or you had trouble in the beginning learning how to study would be a couple of reasons people might consider dark horse tattoos. Starting off on the wrong foot is actually a fabulous idea. You could use an entire horse in a rearing position trying to decide which foot to put down. You would need to consult with your design artist on how to make this movement work. The full horse could be tattooed in a dark color or tribal black. The addition a symbol of your educational achievement should be tucked in somewhere. Perhaps in the saddle, the hoses mouth, in the reins, or hidden in the mane. If you really want to show it off, have it set in separately, next to the horse in an arm band. Dark horse tattoos are a wonderful design concept for people who didn’t believe in us, when we always knew our day would come.
Dark horse tattoos with a spiritual meaning generally symbolize a return to a spiritual path or a joining to a spiritual path that you knew existed but resisted. What a great way to show your faith and return or finding of your path. A great design for these dark horse tattoos would be the horse walking on the path towards whatever spiritual symbol represents your belief. Again, you would want dark coloring for the horse, but contrast for the symbol would look great. In other word, the horse could be walking to the light. Placement for this tattoo would be great on the shoulder or leg.
Horse Tattoo Designs
Tattoo designs from the TattooMeNow Gallery
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I am thinking about a certain tattoo of a horse named Buddy gett his massive size forty two to fifty two feet height weight three hundred billion pounds no illegal horse drugs just fenugreek food barrels
I currently have a tattoo from Thailand blue scorpion left forearm I’m sure it codes much rather I’m from Oklahoma